Welcome to North Star Carbon Management: Your Compass to Net Zero


The Growing Importance of Carbon Management

As per a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) failing to limit global warming could result in costs of up to $54 trillion for the world economy. This alarming number calls for the urgent necessity for action.

In a time defined by the impact of climate change and global temperatures rising, the need for carbon management has shifted from being on the outskirts to taking center stage in global discussions. We can no longer afford to see climate change as an abstract danger; it is now a reality that is already affecting ecosystems, economies and communities all over the world. From wildfires to floods, the tangible consequences of a warming planet are becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

However, the call for carbon management goes beyond concerns to limit global warming. It holds social and even geopolitical implications. For businesses, effective carbon management isn’t about social responsibility or a marketing strategy aimed at attracting environmentally conscious consumers. It’s imperative that directly impacts long-term sustainability, competitiveness and success. Companies that actively engage in carbon management are better equipped to navigate regulatory environments, can better attract and retain top talent, andalso benefit from cost savings through energy efficiency, reduced waste production and sustainable supply chain practices.

Furthermore, there is a wealth of evidence suggesting that companies that prioritize sustainability tend to outperform their counterparts in the long term. According to an NYU Stern Center study, sustainable brands grew at a rate 5.6 times higher than non-sustainable ones. These findings clearly indicate that sustainability initiatives offer a return on investment (ROI) underscoring the significance of carbon management.

It is clear that effective carbon management is now vital for long-term success and adaptability, covering aspects like impact, economic gains, reduced costs, and social responsibility for both individuals and corporations.

What is Net Zero?

Net Zero has evolved into a cornerstone strategy for corporations and individuals alike. But the real question is what is “Net Zero” and how does one achieve it? 

As defined by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), Net zero refers to the balance achieved when a company or individual reduces their greenhouse gas emissions and offsets any remaining natural gas emissions through permanent carbon removal and storage. This is in line with the global goal of limiting the temperature rise to 1.5°C, the limits climate scientists have given to avoid catastrophic climate change consequences. 

For example, a tech company might reduce its direct emissions by transitioning the power generation in its data centers to renewable energy sources, thereby achieving net zero emissions in its operations. However, the company also needs to account for indirect emissions from its supply chain, in its business travel, waste in operations and all other material Scope 1, 2 and 3 emission sources. To reach net zero emissions, it would also need to begin engaging with its suppliers to ensure they are also working to reduce their emissions. 

The path to net zero is a stringent, scientifically validated obligation requiring swift and substantial cuts in carbon emissions. Businesses must set immediate goals for emissions reductions of over 90% by the year 2050. Additionally, they must offset any lingering legacy emissions, through permanent carbon removal methods. This comprehensive strategy transforms the concept of net zero from mere jargon into a concrete, executable plan for enduring environmental stability and adaptability.

The Role of Tools in Achieving Net Zero

Navigating the complex landscape of carbon management can be daunting.

That’s where carbon accounting software such as North Star Carbon Management comes in, serving as your compass to guide your organization towards Net Zero, the gold standard in carbon management as per the guidelines laid out by SBTi.

Carbon Emissions Report Generated by North Star Carbon Management tool

North Star Carbon Management goes beyond traditional approaches by integrating cutting-edge carbon management technologies into your sustainability strategy. A granular look into your emissions, along with our AI-enabled target setting and planning function, allows you to identify not just low-hanging fruit but also innovative avenues for global emissions reduction across your operations and value chain.

We understand that every organization’s carbon footprint is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and industry challenges. Our comprehensive software solution provides everything needed to efficiently and effectively track, report and manage your enterprise GHG emissions, all aligned with the rigorous standards and criteria set by the GHG Protocol and Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI).

Introducing North Star Carbon Management

This all-encompassing guide is designed to offer you a nuanced grasp of how North Star Carbon Management serves as your navigational beacon in reaching Net Zero. We delve into its key functionalities, practical use cases, and what sets it apart in the saturated landscape of sustainability solutions. 

Real-time Emissions Data generated by the North Star Carbon Management tool

Our robust system empowers you with real-time emissions data and customizable dashboards enabling informed decision-making.

We understand that in the realm of sustainability, data-driven insights are invaluable. That’s why North Star Carbon Management is engineered to provide actionable intelligence, ensuring that your journey to Net Zero is both effective, measurable and auditable. North Star Carbon Management is not just another tool, but a strategic partner in your quest for sustainability and emissions reduction.

What is North Star Carbon Management?

Founded with a mission to demystify the complexities of achieving Net Zero, North Star Carbon Management has been a trailblazer in offering actionable, data-driven solutions for businesses of all sizes. With over 13 years of experience in conducting GHG emissions inventories, our CEO Josh Prigge, along with a team of sustainability experts, has crafted a platform that goes beyond mere carbon accounting.

We work in close collaboration with our clients, establishing long-term partnerships aimed at achieving net zero carbon. Our approach is rooted in science and evidence, ensuring that your carbon management strategies are both innovative and rigorously validated. We provide you with efficient and accurate tools for measuring GHG emissions, giving you unparalleled insights into your organization’s climate risks and opportunities.

At North Star, we’re not just about numbers; we’re about creating organizational value. We empower businesses to become more efficient and knowledgeable about their carbon impacts across the value chain.

So, if you’re looking for a comprehensive, science-backed approach to achieving Net Zero, North Star Carbon Management is your go-to solution. With our unique blend of expertise and technology, we turn the daunting task of carbon management into a navigable journey, setting you on a clear course toward sustainability and resilience.

Core Features of the Tool

Core Features of North Star Carbon Management Tool Infographic

North Star is not just another carbon management tool; it’s a complete ecosystem designed to drive real change. Here are some of its key product features:

  1. Automating Data Transfer and GHG Calculations: North Star’s OpenAPI platform seamlessly integrates with any internal or external software system where you might have relevant emissions-related data such as accounting systems, HR platforms, electric utilities, and more. This automation significantly strengthens the data transfer process and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) calculations, allowing you to save time with data input and manage carbon more effectively.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: Among carbon accounting software platforms, North Star Carbon Management distinguishes itself with an intuitive and user-friendly interface. This design enables all users of the system to navigate, input data and use all functions with ease.
  3. Alignment with SBTi: The tool empowers businesses to set short-term, medium-term, and long-term carbon-reduction targets that are in sync with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). This ensures your efforts are geared towards strategies that limit warming to 1.5°C.
  4. Progress Tracking: North Star Carbon Management excels in tracking, monitoring, and reporting on your journey toward carbon-reduction goals. Its robust analytics offer a granular view of your progress and allows companies to understand their performance against their targets and project into the future.
  5. AI-Enabled Decarbonization Planning: Leverage the tool’s AI capabilities to create decarbonization roadmaps that model future scenarios across all emission sources. This feature allows you to significantly strengthen your sustainability strategies with data-backed insights.
  6. Financial Insights: Gain a deep understanding of the financial costs and ROI of all your carbon-reduction projects and plans. This feature provides a holistic view of your sustainability investments.
  7. Audit Reports: With just one click, you can generate comprehensive audit reports and access all source data that would be needed for your third party audit. This offers unparalleled transparency into all calculations, emission factors, source data and estimations, making it a trusted tool for both internal stakeholders and third-party auditors.

Science Based Targets logo: Wavy circle promoting transition of existing energy assets to renewable sources, aiming to reduce costs.

What Makes It Unique in the Market

In a market awash with sustainability tools, North Star distinguishes itself through its comprehensive features and user-friendly interface. Going beyond merely tracking emissions sources and environmental impacts, North Star acts as a strategic partner in your journey to Net Zero, providing solutions that are both actionable and measurable.

Its robust capabilities and alignment with global standards make it a standout choice for organizations aiming to navigate the complexities of carbon management effectively.

User Experience and Interface Highlights

Navigating through North Star’s platform is refreshingly straightforward, even for those who are novices in the realm of carbon management.

Its intuitive design ensures that you can zero in on achieving your climate goals and improving environmental performance, rather than getting bogged down by complex software interfaces. With features geared towards tracking your most emissions-intensive activities, North Star makes it easier than ever to take actionable steps towards sustainability.

Its user-centric approach make it an indispensable tool for any organization that wants to save time and money managing their annual GHG emissions reporting and is serious about meeting its climate and sustainability goals.

The Journey to Net Zero

The Steps Involved in Achieving Net Zero

The Steps Involved in Achieving Net Zero An Infographic

Achieving Net Zero is a meticulously planned roadmap to a sustainable future, underpinned by science and validated by global standards. Here’s how to navigate this transformative journey:

1. Quantification of Carbon Emissions: The initial step in any credible pathway to net-zero emissions is a comprehensive quantification of current carbon outputs.
This serves as the empirical foundation upon which decarbonization strategies are formulated. Microsoft has committed to becoming carbon-negative by 2030. Their first step was a rigorous audit of their emissions, which they published in an annual sustainability report. According to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), companies that actively manage and plan for climate change secure an 18% higher return on investment (ROI) than companies that don’t—and 67% higher than companies who refuse to disclose their emissions.

2. Development of a Decarbonization Roadmap: Following the quantification of emissions, a structured decarbonization roadmap is essential. 

This outlines the tactical steps required to transition from fossil fuels to clean energy sources, thereby reducing emissions. Unilever has set a target to achieve net-zero emissions from all their products by 2039. Their comprehensive roadmap includes strategies ranging from sustainable sourcing to transitioning to renewable energy. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) states that renewable energy could supply 86% of global power demand by 2050, underlining the feasibility of ambitious decarbonization roadmaps.

3. Establish Science-Based Targets: The next step in any credible Net Zero strategy is to set ambitious, yet achievable, targets. Companies like PepsiCo and Scania are leading the way by aiming for net-zero emissions by 2040—ten years ahead of the Paris Agreement’s timeline.

4. Maintain Transparency and Accountability: Last but not least, transparent reporting is non-negotiable. Platforms like CDP are facilitating companies in disclosing their environmental data, thereby attracting conscientious investors and building trust among stakeholders. 

In an era where corporate responsibility is under the microscope, transparent reporting of environmental metrics is not just a best practice—it’s a non-negotiable commitment. This transparency serves as a litmus test for a company’s sincerity in its sustainability efforts. 

Google has been carbon-neutral since 2007 and releases an environmental report annually. Their transparency extends to sharing granular data, including energy use across various operations and the effectiveness of their carbon offset programs. According to a survey by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), 93% of the world’s largest 250 corporations are now reporting sustainability information, highlighting the mainstream acceptance of transparent reporting.

5. Prioritize High-Impact Actions: Actionable steps must follow ambitious goals. Global biopharma giant GSK, for instance, has identified its top 160 suppliers as crucial partners in achieving its climate goals. By focusing on high-impact areas such as power, heat, and transport, the company is making meaningful strides in reducing its carbon footprint.

6. Engage employees, suppliers and customers: Stakeholder engagement is critical in our journey to a low-carbon future.

Engagement with employees, suppliers, and customers is crucial for a holistic approach as reductions are needed throughout your entire value chain. Walmart has enlisted its suppliers in its Project Gigaton, aiming to avoid one billion metric tons of greenhouse gases from the global value chain by 2030. According to a 2020 study by MIT Sloan, 65% of consumers want to purchase purpose-driven brands that advocate sustainability, emphasizing the role of stakeholder engagement in achieving sustainability goals.

7. Leverage Corporate Advocacy: The corporate voice is a powerful tool in shaping public policy. The collective backing of 408 American companies, for example, was instrumental in endorsing President Biden’s ambitious 50% emission reduction target by 2030. The signatories represent over $4 trillion in annual revenue and over $1 trillion in assets under management. Such advocacy sends a strong signal to policymakers and the public alike, reinforcing the company’s commitment to sustainability.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050 presents a multi-dimensional set of challenges that extend beyond the scope of mere technological innovation.

As per a report by Sinai, one of the most pressing issues is the complexity of the value chain, which necessitates a comprehensive carbon audit from raw material sourcing to end-user consumption.

The National Academies further underscore the untapped potential of ocean-based carbon sequestration methods, a nascent field that could significantly contribute to global carbon dioxide removal. This is not merely a theoretical proposition; it’s an actionable strategy that could be integrated into broader climate goals.

Financial constraints also pose a significant barrier to Net Zero transformation. However, as outlined in Energy Digital, public-private partnerships and government incentives can ameliorate these financial challenges, making the transition to Net Zero not just a corporate responsibility but a financially viable strategy.

Thought-Provoking Questions

  1. How Can Data Analysis Aid in Policy Formulation? – Could advanced data analytics help governments create more effective policies for reducing carbon dioxide emissions?
  2. Is the Energy Sector Doing Enough? – Given its significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, is the energy sector taking adequate steps toward sustainability?
  3. Are Current Government Policies Sufficient? – With the existing national climate plans falling short of what’s needed, what more can governments do to ensure we reach net zero by 2050?

The Role of Government and Policy

In the quest for a sustainable future, the role of government and policy cannot be overstated. Understanding and aligning with these regulations is not merely a compliance exercise to avoid penalties; it’s a strategic move. Governments offer a range of incentives and grants that can be leveraged to accelerate the transition to Net Zero. For instance, data analysis can offer insights into carbon dioxide emissions, helping policymakers in the energy sector to make informed decisions. These measures are not just beneficial for the environment but also for the long-term viability of businesses and economies.

The United Nations emphasizes that achieving net zero is a collective responsibility requiring “bold, credible actions” from every country. The energy sector is highlighted as a critical area, responsible for about three-quarters of current greenhouse gas emissions. The UN also stresses the importance of turning commitments into action, urging governments to strengthen their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

By intertwining government policy, data analysis, and sector-specific strategies, we can create a cohesive roadmap to Net Zero. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about seizing opportunities for a greener future.

How North Star Carbon Management Guides You to Net Zero

Data Collection and Analysis

Types of Data Collected

North Star’s platform is designed to collect a wide array of data types, from energy consumption to waste production and supplier-specific emissions, providing a holistic view of your carbon footprint.

The platform’s capability to automate data transfer and collect from any system with API capabilities is particularly valuable, offering granular insights to many facets of your operations and value chain. 

The platform’s holistic approach ensures that even less obvious but equally important factors like water usage and employee commuting are not overlooked. All Scope 3 categories can be tracked and managed with the North Star platform. By collecting this wide-ranging data, North Star Carbon Management provides a 360-degree view of your organization’s carbon footprint, enabling more effective and targeted sustainability strategies.

How Data is Analyzed

As we continue to face pressing concerns regarding emissions this tool carefully examines the collected data to identify areas where significant emission reductions can be achieved. It’s not just about gathering numbers and calculating emissions; it’s about transforming those numbers into insights.

This is especially valuable for businesses in the sector that need to make decisions based on solid data when it comes to achieving sustainability goals. 

It is a tool that goes beyond mere data collection. It provides strategies for reducing emissions making it an invaluable asset for any organization.

Compliance and Reporting

Regulatory Frameworks Supported

The platform is built on the bedrock of extensive carbon management research, ensuring that its features are not just regulatory frameworks compliant but also ahead of the curve. This is particularly crucial as regulations evolve to mandate more stringent emission reductions. North Star’s adaptability means you’re always one step ahead, ready to meet new requirements without breaking a sweat. The North Star Carbon Management platform was built based off of the GHG Protocol, which is the standard followed and adopted by most climate regulations around the world. 

Custom Reporting Features

The tool offers customizable reporting features that allow you to generate detailed reports, simplifying both compliance and stakeholder communication.


North Star Carbon Management is not just a tool to calculate emissions; it’s a comprehensive guide to achieving Net Zero. Its range of features, user-friendly interface, and alignment with SBTi standards make it a leader in the carbon management space.

Get Started with North Star Carbon Management

Ready to embark on your journey towards Net Zero? There’s no better time than now, and no better guide than North Star Carbon Management. Visit our website to get started with your carbon accounting journey and be part of the change you wish to see in the world.

As we wrap up this comprehensive guide, let’s remember that achieving Net Zero is not just the responsibility of businesses but of each individual. Together, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come.


Author – Josh Prigge

Josh is a renowned sustainability consultant with experience in leading sustainability programs and initiatives for corporations. His expertise is not just limited to consulting; he is also a sought-after public speaker and a college professor. To learn more about him, read about him here – About North Star Carbon Management.